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Showing posts from July, 2017

The Evolution of Neck Pain | Physical Therapy is an Option

technology’s impact on cervical pain There has been a significant increase in debilitating neck pain with the expanded use of computers and technology, specifically smart phones. This modern spine ailment is so prevalent it has a term: text neck. Text neck describes neck pain and damage sustained from looking down at a cell phone, tablet, or other wireless devices too frequently and for too long. Statistics say that up to 79% of the population between the ages of 18-44 have their cell phones with them at all times, with only 2 hours out of the day spent without their devices. The most common symptoms of text neck include: Upper back pain ranging (this can be chronic pain and include severe upper back muscle spasms.) Shoulder pain, tightness and limited ROM Pinched cervical nerves that can create radiating neurological symptoms Rounded posture with forward head Weakened, atrophied muscles resulting in the inability to maintain neutral posture This upsurge in ne

Physical Therapy for Multi-Modal Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis syndrome and corresponding sciatica disable 5.4 million Americans a year. Piriformis syndrome is a painful condition where the piriformis muscle, located in the buttock area, spasms and causes acute buttock pain. In addition to causing acute local pain, when triggered, the piriformis muscle can also irritate the nearby sciatic nerve, causing radiating pain, numbness and tingling along the back of the leg and into the foot. There are several different circumstances that can lead to piriformis syndrome including: Muscle spasm: Due to the muscle formation in the gluts, the spasm may occur in the piriformis muscle itself, or be caused by irritation of a nearby structure such as the sacroiliac joint or hip muscles Over-tightening of the muscle, in response to exercise, injury or spasm Swelling and inflammation of the piriformis muscle What is the Piriformis? The piriformis muscle is a small muscle located near the hip joint behind the gluteus maximus in the b

How Physical Therapy Can Help the Top 10 Running Injuries

The weather is getting nicer! It’s the time of year when people break out their running gear and take to the streets and trails, running and jogging. Unfortunately, getting injured while running or jogging is also very common. Research has shown that up to eighty-two percent of runners will get injured at some point in their running career, whether an elite runner or a beginner. Getting injured can sideline a runner indefinitely or completely. And it doesn’t matter if a patient is an elite runner logging 80 miles per week or is training for their first 5k; injuries can happen to anyone. The Top 10 Running Injuries Plantar fasciitis Achilles Tendonitis and Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy Shin splints Patellar Tendonitis High Hamstring Tendinopathy Stress fractures Runner’s Knee IT Band Injuries Low Back Pain Muscle strains When it comes to running injuries, prevention is key. Education on proper running techniques and rules to follow is important