How physical therapy can help treat the recurrence of back pain Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) is a term used to describe patients that haven’t had a successful result with back surgery or spine surgery and continue to experience debilitating back pain post-surgery. 5% of all patients who undergo spinal surgery will experience recurrences of back pain. Spinal surgery is recommended for patients in order to accomplish one of 2 goals: Decompress a nerve root that is pinched Stabilize a painful joint. Unfortunately, spinal surgery isn’t a cure-all for all patient’s back pain. Therefore, it’s important for patients who experience pain post spinal surgery to work with a physical therapist in order to identify non-invasive pain relieving modalities that can lower their incidence of pain. Chronic pain post spinal surgery can lead to additional problems including: Inability to perform daily and job tasks Increased medical care costs Over reliance on oral pain
Cold Compression vs. Whole Body Cryotherapy Chamber : Cryotherapy chambers have a benefit, but when seeking relief from a chronic pain or injury, using a cold-compression device will be more effective in the long run.